One of the hurdles companies and research groups face when entering the quantum technology field is the significant investment needed to set up their own facilities. Additionally, building the infrastructure takes time, and there is a shortage of experienced staff. That’s where we come in. Use predefined measurements or customize your characterization routine with our experts. Send us your samples – we wire-bond if needed, perform measurements, and deliver data quickly online on fair terms. Alternatively, you can rent our cryogenic infrastructure for easy access to cryostats and measurement equipment.
Fully serviced cryogenic characterization measurements
Key benefits
Get results faster
Receive a report including raw data and plots that you can use straight away.
A simple and quick way to trial ultra-low temperature characterization.
The equipment is ready for you to use – if you are in the process of setting up your own facilities bridge a gap.
Reduce your costs
Only pay for the measurements you need without having to invest in infrastructure, space and personnel.
Temporarily add measurement capacity when you need it.
Reduce the risk of hardware failures associated with the operation of complex cryogenic and room temperature measurement equipment.
Assess whether setting up your own equipment will be a sound investment.
Expert support to get you the results you need
Hire in low-temperature expertise, support and advice, leaving you to focus on your project goals.
Get proof of concept by having your results verified.
High-level of data security and pseudonymized samples – we support you without compromising your IP.
Sharing equipment is the most cost-efficient and sustainable way for low-temperature investigations. As we exclusively use certified green electricity from European hydropower, using our service will allow you to reduce your carbon footprint.
Measurement workflow
You order carrier pads (if needed), prepare the samples, and send them to us.
The measurement protocol is established.
The low-temperature characterization is carried out and monitored. You receive your measurement data and a report.
Example applications
– Low-temperature resistivity and magnetotransport measurements
– Superconducting resonator and qubit spectroscopy
– Testing semiconducting DC and RF devices such as CMOS, diodes or VCOs
– IV characteristics of Josephson junctions
– Calibration of low temperature sensors
Application notes
Read our application notes to see what others have done. Visit the L-Type Rapid cryostat page to download them.
Cryogenic infrastructure rental
Easy access to cryostats and measurement equipment
Testing new ideas often requires an exploratory approach and constant, direct access to a measurement system. But that doesn’t mean you have to invest time and substantial capital in your own equipment right away.
Rent our fast and easy-to-operate L-Type Rapid cryostats
Bring your own measurement equipment or rent state-of-the-art measurement electronics
Use your rental system in our ‘Cryofloor’ in Munich or via a remote desktop connection
Our experienced staff will support you in using your cryostat
L-Type Rapid characterization cryostat
The fastest cryostat on the market with a 50 mK to 300 K accessible temperature range. Its capabilities can be extended to offer tailored solutions for a variety of low temperature applications: A 5 Tesla sample magnet can be integrated, enabling the study of magnetic properties such as magnetoresistance or Hall effect. The standard DC lines can be extended with 4 radio frequency lines equipped with multiple RF electronic components such as amplifiers, isolators, and low-pass filters used for characterization of quantum devices. Additionally, we integrate QDevil products optimized for measurements of quantum electronic components.
State-of-the-art measurement electronics
For service measurements, we use only modern equipment that is optimally suited for the respective application. Here is a selection of the instruments that we employ:
– Digital multi-channel lock-in amplifier: Synktek, model MCL1-540
– Vector Network Analyzer: Keysight, model 5063a
– Source-Measure Unit: Keithley, model 2612B
– Switching Matrix: Linkbone, model Dual BNC 8×8
Our customers
We are trusted by leading companies and research institutions around the world
Gemma Rius
Leading Research Scientist at the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM-CSIC) on Superconductor and Hybrid Chips for Quantum
Cryogenics as a Service in the L-Type Rapid enabled us to characterize remotely a batch of our superconducting resonators in a single round overall with minimal preparations and getting reliable data. Aimed at studying and comparing temperature dependence in arrays of superconducting resonators in a few different samples, we are certainly using the cryogenics service again for next generations of the superconducting devices and circuits we fabricate, while planning to apply also the other available measurement modes for our developments on thin films and hybrid devices.