Magnetic refrigerators
Cryogen-free and sustainable
Our cryostats are built around closed-cycle cryocoolers and use Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigeration (ADR) and continuous Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigeration (cADR) to reach the full temperature range from room temperature. They offer continuous operation at 300 mK and ‘one-shot’ cooling down to 100 mK.
As they don’t use cryogens in the cooling process, our devices are easy-to-use and sustainable. ADR upgrades and various accessories such as free-beam optical access and DC & RF wiring options can be included to configure the cryostat to customer-specific requirements.
L-Type Rapid
Super-fast testing and characterization of quantum devices
100 mK - 300 K
< 3 hours
300 mK
S-Type Optical
Rack-integrated sub-Kelvin cryostat with free-beam access
ø > 20 mm
3 T || optical axis
S-Type Essential
Versatile, rack-mountable platform for the continuous cooling of quantum devices
down to 100 mK
Ø > 140 mm
300 mK