Climate Actions

Bike Leasing

Commuting by bike has a number of advantages: it reduces carbon emissions from transportation, improves air quality, and promotes a healthier lifestyle for employees. Additionally, it reduces traffic congestion and the need for parking space, therefore improving urban environments. All our permanent employees can use a company bike through job bike leasing. We also provide showers and lockers, to make it practical and pleasant to cycle to work during the warm months. 

At kiutra, more than 10% of employees use JobRad service saving at least 1.68 tons of carbon dioxide emissions till date (March 2023), equivalent to the carbon captured by 85 trees in a growing year.

Climate Impact Pilot Program

In 2022, we took part in a pilot program by EIT and EISMEA to model the climate impact of one of our cryostats compared to regular cryogenic equipment on the market today.

One L-Type Rapid cryostat can save up to 260% in energy use for a quick test (assuming 1 hour of testing time at 100 mK). This not only reduces costs significantly but also carbon emissions by up to 8.5 tCO2eq per year and device. kiutra’s L-Type Rapid saves GHG emissions by being more energy efficient and using our patented automated sample loader, which allows for faster testing at low temperatures.

During this pilot project we also identified reduction of the GHG emissions from our electricity consumption as a top measure to implement at kiutra. We subsequently switched to a 100% green electricity supplier with electricity coming entirely from environmentally friendly hydropower plants.

You can read the validation report resulting from the study here.

Climate Neutral Printing Paper

Environmental impact of paper production includes deforestation, massive energy and water use, as well as air, water, and land pollution. With countless paper options available it’s interesting to look into the labeling. For example, on the paper we use:  

The ‘EU ECO Label’ sets requirements for the entire manufacturing process of the paper. To conserve water and air, the use of chemicals is limited. The standard requires at least 70% either recycled and/or certified material, such as FSC and PEFC.

FSC Mix’ means the product is made with a mixture of materials from FSC-certified forests, recycled materials, and/or FSC-controlled wood. While controlled wood doesn’t come from FSC-certified forests, it mitigates the risk of the material originating from unacceptable sources.

Plus, there is ‘TCF’ (bleached without the use of chlorine) and the paper is climate neutral, which means the CO2 and other gases harmful to the climate are measured over the entire production chain and compensated. There is also CO2 neutral paper, where compensation is only applied to the CO2 released.

Enabling Quantum Technologies Through Sovereign and Sustainable Cryogenics

We build cryogenic tools and services that will help scientists and engineers implement modern, second-generation quantum technologies. These technologies have the potential to provide significant benefits to the environment in a twofold way:

Quantum computing has the potential to significantly lower our environmental footprint, boost efficiency in the use of limited resources in numerous industries, and to help achieving the objectives set forth in the European Green Deal.

Operating quantum computers however is itself depending on complex, energy-intensive and difficult to scale (cryogenic) cooling. Using traditional cooling technologies – that were once designed for basic academic research for the commercial application of quantum technologies – jeopardizes building a sovereign European quantum technology industry and our ability to use modern quantum technologies in a way that is aligned with the European objectives and ethics.

Green Electricity

Generating ultra-low temperatures is extremely energy intensive. In particular, running mechanical closed-cycle coolers, used in all modern “dry” cryostats for cooling or pre-cooling, results in an electricity use of typically 6-10 kW per unit. With continuous operation, this very quickly adds up to significant power consumption. Cryostats are usually in use for many years, sometimes decades – this means that to operate cryogenic systems in a climate-friendly way, the energy has to come from green, climate-neutral sources. This can result in major greenhouse gas savings, as a simple example calculation for a single typical unit shows:

Assumptions: Power consumption: 8 kW | Service life: 5 years | Annual operating time: 340 days

Total power consumption: 326,400 kWh

CO2 Footprint: 131 t (electricity mix, 401 g/kWh) vs.  0.9 t (green electricity from hydropower, 2.7 g/kWh)

CO2 savings: 130 t. This value corresponds to >60 average EU households or 5900 trees, i.e., a forest of the size of approx. 25 soccer fields.

This makes it clear that green electricity must be one of the most important building blocks of our sustainability strategy – we therefore only use certified green electricity from environmentally friendly hydropower. As a result, we reduce our carbon footprint not only when operating our multiple coolers (e.g., in their manufacture and operation on behalf of customers), but in all other areas of our business: administration, sales, development and production.

Source: Ökostrom-Vergleich: echte Ökostromanbieter finden | co2online

Long-lasting and Recyclable Products

We build cryostats that are designed to last. We use high-quality third-party components and mostly metal raw materials to create durable products that our customers can rely on. When a cryostat requires maintenance or repair, our customers can replace the faulty component thanks to a highly modular product design. This reduces waste and saves energy and resources that would otherwise be used in the production of a brand-new cryostat or to replace a substantial part of the device.

In addition to being repairable, kiutra cryostats are also designed to be upgradeable. This means that as new technologies and capabilities become available, our customers can upgrade their cryostats rather than replacing them with a new one. By extending the lifespan of the cryostat through upgrades, we can further reduce the energy and resources needed to produce a new device.

Upgradability also means that our customers can adapt their cryostats to changing needs and applications, without having to purchase an entirely new device. This can save both money and resources in the long run.

Overall, the combination of repairability and upgradeability means that our cryostats are built for long-term use, reducing waste and promoting sustainability.

3D Printing

3D printing is an important tool we use in development and various production processes.

Traditional methods to prototype metal parts require multiple stages of production, such as cutting, molding and assembly, each generating emissions. With 3D printing, parts can be created in a single build, reducing the energy used and emissions produced.

Additionally, 3D printing enables on-demand production and eliminates the need for large inventory stockpiles, creating savings in storage and transportation.

Water Dispenser Instead of Bottled Water

We have a water dispenser in our kitchen instead of supplying bottled water to the team and to encourage them to drink tap water rather than buying bottled.  

Environmental impact of bottled water is up to 3,500 times higher than that of tap water. First of its kind research led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) found that if the city’s population were all to drink bottled water, this would result in a 3,500 times higher cost of resource extraction than if they all drank tap water, at $83.9m a year.